Santa Clara Ranch 02/25-26 /2021

Santa Clara Sign

For my 63rd birthday, I treated myself to the bird blinds of The Santa Clara Ranch.  The 100 year winter storm had just passed.  The burst pipes in the attic were repaired.  COVID restrictions were starting to wear thin.  I needed a break, so I headed down to McAllen, Texas, near the border with Mexico. 

It was late February, early for migration, but I had the place to myself.  The Ranch, set up exclusivelsy for bird photography, was booked solid through the entire birding season this year (2021) and much of next.  My guide, Hector Astorga, an award winning photographer, treated me to a special couple of days. 

Hector Astorga guide Hector suet
 lens in blind

 The end result, some of the best photographs I have ever taken.
You be the judge.

Cardinal and pyrrhuloxia

A rare sight, a Northern Cardinal and a Pyrrhuloxia on the same limb.

cardinal and pyrrholuxia




audubon's oriole


Audubon's Oriole





Black-crested titmouse







Black-throated sparrow (mated pair)







crested cara cara crested cara cara

Crested Cara Cara


crested cara cara




curve-billed thrasher

Curve-billed Thrasher







Curve-billed Thrasher



Golden-fronted Woodpecker (lifer)


greater roadrunner greater roadrunner

greater roadrunner



greater roadrunner roadrunner
Typically the male roadrunner, as part of the mating ritual, will bring a lizard or some other morsel to the female.
 The winter storm had killed off many lizards so this male settled on a small stick.
I doubt the female was impressed.



green jay

Green Jay (lifer)


green jays



harris hawk harris hawk

harris hawk (lifer)

harris hawk




long-billed thrasher long-billed thrasher
long-billed thrasher (lifer)  - note the missing tail




northern bobwhite

northern bobwhite




cardinal cardinal

northern cardinal








Northern Mockingbird






olive sparrow

olive sparrow (lifer)











yellow-rumped warbler

yellow-rumped warbler

yellow-rumped warbler






white-tipped dove

white-tipped dove





white-tailed deer

White-tailed Deer


white-tailed deer










To see more of my Santa Clara shots visit the Gallery at


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