sandhill cranes






The Sandhill Crane does not breed until it is two to seven years old.

It can live up to the age of 20.














Mated pairs stay together year round,

and migrate south as a group with their offspring.










They usually have one offspring that stays with the parents 9-10 months


All cranes engage in dancing, which includes various behaviors such as bowing, jumping, running,

stick or grass tossing, as well as wing flapping.

Dancing thwarts aggression, relieves tension, and strengthens the pair bond.





In general, males and females are virtually indistinguishable.




The sand hill crane probes for food in mud.

The iron from the solid deposits on its beak

and stains their feathers brown when they preen.





These juveniles walked through my back yard every day for a month or so.








average 4.5-5 feet tall and 10-14 pounds.







Length: 37 inches Wingspan: 73-90 inches









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