
Sciurus carolinensis
(eastern gray squirrel)
Squirrels spend most of their lives
in trees. They live in either
cavities or nests built out of leaves.
Cavities are often old woodpecker holes. |
From time to time, they have short battles with Pileated Woodpeckers.
squirrels usually win. |
Squirrels mate in the
Winter, chasing females up, down, and around trees. |

compete for the ability to mate with the female.
lasts less than thirty seconds.

They survive with
their good sense of vision, smell, and hearing. |
They have incredible balance, |
thanks to their tail |
which acts as an
umbrella, a blanket,
a rudder for this
excellent swimmer
and a signaling
device. |
Hawks, owls, Red Fox,
Raccoons, and snakes prey on Eastern Gray Squirrels
their extreme agility in the trees makes
them difficult to capture. |

pocket gopher and a squirrel dining together

They are
members of the Rodent family
with a
lifespan of about five years.

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